Engagement & Beyond

 The Foundation started a new, three-year ERASMUS+ project based on international cooperation in autumn 2017. The project aims at producing a toolkit to measure and develop the engagement of fellow workers in educational institutions.

A new Hungarian partner, Connect Consult, has joined the project together with the four organizations that have had long tradition of working together – EDUNET Foundation (Hungary), Cracow Pedagogical University (Poland), Traind’ Up Limited (United Kingdom) and Euro-Trainings-Centre (Germany).

Utilizing the international experience of the business sector, the stakeholders are convinced that the engagement of fellow workers plays the same important role in raising the efficacy of educational institutions as compared to that of enterprises. Strengthening workers’ engagement may drive successful operation in both spheres.

On the one hand, the current project aims to provide a diagnostic tool for the leaders of educational institutions help them measure the level of engagement of those working in their organisation (public education). On the other hand, the project aims at developing a support system, which will likely increase the level of teachers’ engagement on both individual and organizational level.

As a result, the following intellectual outputs will be produced:

During the operation period, we intend to access up to 600 participants working in the partner countries and representing different professional backgrounds in the fields of both education and private sector.



See the homepage of the project 




The project has been supported by the European Union (2017-1-HU01-KA201-035998).